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Terms and Conditions

This text refers only to the Terms and Conditions applicable to the websites ICAA (, IC Academy (, IC Lab ( and GFIC (
The content of the websites is protected by copyright and related rights, as well as by industrial property rights, under the laws of Portugal and the European Union, and cannot be used outside the conditions of use of this website without the consent of ICAA.
The intellectual property rights of all contents of the websites that do not target the external supply and, consequently, are not properly identified, are owned by the ICAA, including information, tools, graphics, images or texts. ICAA rejects any responsibility for the usurpation and misuse of the elements mentioned above, with the exceptions permitted by law, including the right to quote, provided that its origin is clearly identified. The content of this website may not be copied, modified or distributed, except with the express permission of ICAA.
ICAA reserves the right to interrupt access to the websites for such period determined as necessary, by any technical reasons, administrative, or other force majeure that may arise and that are not directly covered here.
All attempts at tampering the website content or structure and its annexes means, or any other action that may cause damage and jeopardize the system integrity may be subject to legal proceedings.
The contents are updated to the date hereof. However, given the interconnection with different entities that are a source of information for this website they may not always be maintained, despite the efforts made on a regular basis for this purpose. In this regard, ICAA is not responsible for any damage or loss, direct or indirect, suffered by any user, regarding the information on this website.

Navigation Security

We can guarantee that all requests made on our websites are safe, since we use strict security measures for this purpose, namely, the use of the efficient Secure Sockets Layer Server (SSL). With this server, any information you enter is encrypted before it is transmitted, making it very unlikely that any third party will access your data or intercept the information that has been transmitted.
In order to create a maximum level of security, you can also check if you are using your browser in a safe way, if you look at the address bar and look for an icon (image) of a closed lock.
The address entered must also begin with https. The "s" indicates that you are browsing in a secure page. We advise you to be careful to do so on any page where you intend to provide your personal data or sensitive and important data. The latest versions of the most popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari and Firefox support these secure connections. If, for some reason, this option has been disabled in your browser, you will not be able to log in until you reactivate it. You can find this option in the browser settings in the menu under "security".